Privacy Policy
(Personal Data Protection and Cookie Policy)

This website ( belongs to the company under the name “VELD Pharma GmBH” and the distinctive title “VELD Pharma”, with registered address at Gubelstrasse 12, CH-6300 Zug, Switzerland, Tax Identification Number CHE 484.529.343, (hereinafter the “Company”), which is the Data Controller for the personal data of the visitors/users of the website, for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

We know how important the privacy of the users of this website is, and we strive to be clear about how we collect, use and, in general, process personal data.

Below you may find our Privacy Policy, which applies regardless of whether you use a computer, a mobile phone, a tablet or any other device to access our website.

The Company is in full compliance with the Switzerland and EU legislation governing Personal Data, is committed to preserving the privacy of all visitors to this website and to protecting any personal data provided.

This Policy is implemented and interpreted according to the applicable Swss and European legislation, which specifically includes the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) as well as the Swiss Data Protection Act.

Any visitor/user who does not agree with the present terms of the Policy, should not use the website.

The present Personal Data Protection and Cookie Policy covers the following areas.

  1. What is personal data
  2. Persona Data that we collect and their use
  3. Cookie Policy
  4. Security, disclosure to third parties and retention time of the collected personal data
  5. Your rights

1. What is personal data

Personal data is information about an identified or identifiable individual, such as the name, e-mail address, telephone number etc.

2. Personal Data that we collect and their use

When you visit/use our website, we collect and process personal data about you which is relevant, appropriate, necessary and no more than required for the purposes set out below.

a. Information provided by the user directly to us

– Communication with our Company

You can visit our website without revealing to us your identity.

If you decide to contact us using the Contact Form available on our website or through e-mail or telephone or otherwise, and provide us with your personal information, we will collect and process this information, that may include: your full name, your e- mail, your telephone number, your occupation and any other information that may be included in your message.

In such cases, your personal data will be stored and used for the purposes of answering your question, processing and satisfying your request, for the provision of our professional services, searching for potential associates/partners, and/or  safeguarding our legitimate interests.

The legal basis for the above-mentioned processing of your personal data is your consent, which you provide with the positive act of sending your message, as well as by selecting the corresponding check-box of acceptance of this privacy policy, upon its careful reading.

In addition, the legal basis for the processing of the data which you send us, may be the compliance of our Company with its legal obligations, as well as the legitimate interest of our Company, which includes specifically the establishment, exercise, support and defense of our rights and legal claims, and the improvement and security of our services.

– Newsletter Subscription

If you consent to this, your personal data may be used in order for you to receive news and updates from our Company, particularly by sending newsletters through e-mail regarding our products, services and other activities.

The purpose of processing your personal data in this case is the commercial promotion of our Company and of our products.

The legal basis for this processing is the consent that you provide with your positive choice to “subscribe” to our newsletter. You can unsubscribe from receiving our newsletters at any time, by using the “unsubscribe” option that will be available at the end of each new newsletter or by sending an email to [email protected] with a request to unsubscribe from the newsletter.

b. Information provided by automated technologies (cookies etc.)

Our web servers collect usage data such as the source IP addresses, domain name, your browser version and operating system, traffic data, location data, web logs, for IT reasons, enabling you to connect to our platform providing you with our services, but not the e-mail addresses of our visitors. 

In addition, we may use automated technologies to collect information from your portable device (mobile phone or tablet or other device) when using the website, such as the Internet Protocol address (IP address), the portable device operating system, the type of portable device and its settings, (IDFAs & IFAs), the redirecting site (the site that led the user to ours), messages to us or regarding us on social media networks, information about the location of the user’s portable device using location and technologies such as GPS (Global Positioning System), Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or cell tower proximity ). The majority of portable devices and browsers allow the user to revoke the permission he has given us.

c. Data collected at third party websites

The website may provide referral links (links, hyperlinks, advertising banners etc.) towards websites managed by us or by third parties. If you visit one of these websites, you should read the respective site’s privacy policy, terms and conditions of use and other policies. We are not responsible for third party policies and practices. The parties who own these websites are exclusively responsible for any damage that the visitor/user might suffer from accessing and using the above-mentioned websites.

3. Cookie Policy (Digital Tracking)

This website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website.

Cookies are small files that store information on your computer, mobile phone or other device. They enable the entity who put the cookie on your device to recognize you across different websites, or browsing sessions.

Cookies help us and third parties to see which pages and features visitors are accessing and how much time they are spending on the pages, so we understand which parts of our website are the most popular.

You can control and/or delete cookies from your device at any time. When you use a web browser, you can configure it to accept or reject all cookies, or notify you when a cookie is sent. Note however that some services may be designed to work using cookies and that disabling them may affect the ability to use these services or the quality of these services and/or the access in certain parts of the website.

You may find more details about cookies at the following link:

Types of Cookies used by our website

• Essential Cookies: they are necessary for the proper operation of the website. The legal basis of data processing regarding the use of these cookies, is our legitimate interest to ensure the proper and uninterrupted operation of our website.

• Performance Cookies: they help us analyze performance and the wepage design in order to improve it. We use cookies from Google Analytics , Adobe etc. The legal basis of data processing regarding the use of these cookies, is the consent that you provide through the special cookies banner of our website.

• Session Cookies: to operate our service. The legal basis of data processing regarding the use of these cookies, is our legitimate interest to ensure the proper and uninterrupted operation of our website.

• Preference Cookies: to remember your preferences and various settings. The legal basis of data processing regarding the use of these cookies, is the consent that you provide through the special cookies banner of our website.

• Security Cookies: for security purposes. The legal basis of data processing regarding the use of these cookies, is our legitimate interest to ensure the proper and uninterrupted operation of our website.

4. Security, disclosure to third parties and retention time of the collected personal data

We apply strict and appropriate electronic, technical and organisational security measures, to protect your data from access by unauthorized persons and against unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction and damage both online and offline. 

The personal data that you provide to us is not disclosed to unauthorised third parties, except from the authorised personnel of our Company as well as the authorised IT service providers of our Company, who are obliged to process the data only on our behalf, to maintain confidentiality, to comply with the applicable legislation and with the privacy policy of our Company and to take all appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your data. Your personal information is neither sold nor shared for any purpose with any third party, with the exception of our partners/associates to whom we disclose only the personal data that is necessary for the execution of the respective task assigned to them.

Your Personal Data may be transferred, stored and processed outside the European Economic Area (EEA), in which case we ensure that the recipient of the data provides an adequate level of personal data protection.

We will retain your data only for as long as it is necessary for the respective purpose of their collection and processing and, in cases of sending a message to us, up to five (5) years from our last communication; the data will be deleted after this retention period. In case of newsletter subscription, your e-mail will be retained until you ask to unsubscribe from the newsletter. 

5. Your Rights

Under the specific conditions, limitations and exceptions contained in Greek and European legislation and in the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, and subject to the existence of specific legal grounds justifying the non-satisfaction of certain rights, you have the right to submit a written request to our Company for the following:

Right of access: You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not we process personal data concerning you, and, if this happens, you have the right to receive a copy of the personal data undergoing processing.

Right to rectification: You have the right to request that inaccurate or incomplete personal data, that concern you, be corrected or completed. In any case we urge you to inform us of any change regarding any of your personal information, so that it is always accurate for the whole time period that we keep them. 

Right to restriction of processing: You have, depending on the case, the right to request the restriction of the processing of your personal data.

Right to object: In cases where the legal basis for processing is our legitimate interest, you have, depending on the case, the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning you.

Right to withdraw consent: In cases where the processing of your data is based on consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of part or all of your data, but this shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Right of erasure: You have, depending on the case, the right to request the erasure of your personal data that we retain.

Right to data portability: You have, depending on the case, the right to receive the personal data concerning you, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, as well as the right to transfer or request the transfer of such data to another data controller. where technically possible.

In case your personal data is necessary for the execution of a contract concluded with you, or for the observance of our legal obligations, or for the establishment, exercise or support of legal claims, or for another legal reason, our company has the right to justifiably reject the request for the satisfaction of any of your above rights, depending on the case, and to inform you accordingly.

Furthermore, we inform you that in the event that, following your request to exercise any of the above rights, deletion or restriction or cessation of processing of your data takes place, we may not be able to provide you with specific services or products, depending on case.

If you wish to exercise any of the above rights or have any questions about them, please contact us at [email protected]

6. Users aged 18 and under

This website is addressed to adults looking for information about the Company. If you are aged 18 or under, you must get your parent’s or guardian’s permission before you provide any personal data to us.

7. Changes to the Personal Data Protection and Cookie Policy

We reserve the right to modify this Personal Data Protection and Cookie Policy (Privacy Policy) at any time, for any reason and without prior notice. The respective changes of the Policy will be posted on the website (under the “Privacy Policy” link at the bottom of the home page of the website), and users / visitors should visit this page every time, in order to be informed about the current Policy.

8. Contact us

If you have any comments, queries or requests relating to our use of your personal data or any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us using the following e-mail address: [email protected].

Company Contact Information

VELD Pharma GmBH

Gubelstrasse 12, CH-6300 Zug, Switzerland

E-mail: [email protected]


Τhis policy was updated on May 24th 2024.