Medical Affairs

A Medical Affairs team plays a crucial role in the success of orphan products, whether designed to treat rare diseases or conditions affecting a limited number of patients. MSLs are highly specialized professionals who act as a bridge between the pharmaceutical or biotech company developing the orphan product and the medical and scientific community. What does Veld’s medical team focus on:

Scientific Expertise: MSLs are experts in the science and medical aspects of the orphan product and the rare disease it targets. They continuously stay updated on the latest research, clinical data, and advancements in the field.

KOL Engagement: MSLs establish and nurture relationships with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) who are experts in the specific rare disease area. These KOLs often include physicians, researchers, and thought leaders. MSLs engage in scientific discussions, seek advice, and share information about the orphan product.

Medical Education: MSLs provide medical education to healthcare professionals (HCPs), including physicians, nurses, and pharmacists, regarding the orphan product, the rare disease, and its management. This education includes clinical data, treatment guidelines, and safety information.

Clinical Support: MSLs assist with the clinical development process by providing insights and feedback from KOLs and the medical community. They may also facilitate investigator-initiated trials (IITs) or collaborate on company-sponsored clinical trials by connecting researchers with the necessary resources.

Data Dissemination: MSLs help disseminate scientific and clinical data related to the orphan product through presentations, publications, and scientific conferences. This is essential for building awareness and credibility for the therapy within the medical community.

Medical Inquiries: They respond to medical inquiries and requests for information from HCPs, providing accurate and up-to-date information about the orphan product. MSLs act as a valuable resource for healthcare professionals seeking guidance on treatment decisions.

Advisory Boards: MSLs may organize and facilitate advisory board meetings with KOLs to gather insights, opinions, and recommendations on various aspects of the orphan product, including its development, market access, and post-market strategies.

Market Access Support: MSLs collaborate with market access teams to provide clinical and scientific data that can be used in discussions with payers, health authorities, and reimbursement agencies. Demonstrating the value of the orphan product is crucial for ensuring patient access.

Patient Advocacy and Support: MSLs may work with patient advocacy groups and rare disease organizations to offer support and resources to patients and their families. They may also facilitate connections between patients and healthcare providers.

In summary, an MSL team is a vital component in the successful introduction and ongoing support of orphan products. They leverage their scientific expertise, build relationships with key stakeholders, disseminate medical knowledge, and provide support across various stages of the product’s lifecycle. By doing so, MSLs help ensure that orphan products reach the patients who need them and are used safely and effectively in the treatment of rare diseases.